What To Expect

Service times, directions, and what to expect at All Souls.

Service Times

The Holy Eucharist, Rite I | Sundays at 9:00am.

Location & Directions

Get directions by clicking here:
The Parish Hall of Church of the Messiah
241 N. Main Street
Winter Garden, FL 34787

What are services like?

At All Souls, we place an emphasis on worshipping God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — in the beauty of holiness. The services at All Souls are rooted in the worship of the Ancient Church and are in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer. From the clothing of the sacred ministers, to the songs we sing, to the movements we make, all is marked by a keen sense of God’s holy presence.

If you’ve never experienced a traditional liturgy, here’s what to expect at All Souls: vestments, hymns, chanting, Scripture readings, Biblical preaching, bowing, kneeling, crossing, and (occasionally) incense. If that intimidates you, don’t let it. Just participate as best you can. And if you’re not sure you want to participate, then just enjoy the beauty and reverence of the service.

How long are services?

Services at All Souls average 65 minutes in length.

What about kids?

At All Souls, we want kids to be engaged in the life of the Church as a whole while also receiving age appropriate instruction in the Christian faith. Thus, children begin with their own lesson and activities which coincides with what the adults are learning at the beginning of the service.

Just before the Offertory, the children join to the service for Communion. Children who have been baptized with water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are welcome to receive the Holy Eucharist. All children (e.g. infants) not receiving are still encouraged to come forward for a blessing.

Currently, we have children’s programming for kids preschool thru 5th grade.

Let us know you're coming

Ready to check out All Souls in person? Simply fill out the form below and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of upon your first visit. We look forward to meeting you.