- Altar Guild: Responsible for preparing and maintaining the altar, sacred vessels, and vestments for our worship services
- Children (birth through grade 5): Opportunities to lead kids in lectionary-based lessons and activities
- Greeters: Assist with guiding parishioners into worship service, distributing service booklets and directing guests
- Hospitality: Coordinate coffee [half] hour following service and assist with church social gatherings
- Lectors: Read Scripture during the Holy Eucharist
- Matthew’s Hope Outreach: Help to provide breakfast to the homeless community in Orange County
- Newcomers: Provide a warm welcome to visitors and potential new church members
- Servers: Assist clergy in worship service
- Ushers: Assist with guiding parishioners into worship service and providing accurate attendance and offering counts
- Youth (grades 6-12): Connect with middle and high school students during weekly gatherings and other fun social events
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